Thursday 10 March 2016

Timothy Spall All At Sea

I think it was called back to sea actually. I've seen two of Timothy Spall's nautical jaunts and several of Timothy West and Prunella Scales great canal journeys in England and France. Have to say that West and Scales are charming individuals and Timothy Spall is a very likeable personality too, something to do with thespian lovies maybe. Timothy West seemed to have trouble getting to grips with the steering when they changed boats and there seems to be quite a lot of bridge and bank bashing, but nothing dangerous. Mr Spall is more of a worry really, says he has years of experience but gave away that much of that was on the canals too. In both the episodes I've watched he seems to have had difficulty with his navigation and planning which is a worry, maybe it was just for TV, to make it more interesting.

His barge is lovely, but not the best blue water boat, I watched it pounding badly the other night, I hope he takes very great care about the weather before going offshore and even then weather forecasters get it wrong, I hope he know his ports of refuge and when it's better to give up and turn back to the port you left. You might think if you're half way it makes no odds, but if a strong headwind comes up with waves to match the second 'half' can be much longer than the first half.

In the episode I just watched Mr and Mrs Spall arrived late (faulty navigation), at a marina with a state of tide sensitive lock. Being late there was not enough depth of water for them to enter and so they had to anchor offshore. Fortunately it was calm overnight even if it wasn't the next day. It was the first time the couple, with years of experience, had ever anchored. No shame in that, I know lots of people who never anchor off until they're forced too, but it's not so stressful with the right equipment, the right knowledge and the right planning. Actually it's a great way to get away from the madding crowd sometimes. Hence this book!

How To Anchor Safely - So You Sleep Well!

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