Tuesday 4 October 2016

Unreported World

Channel 4's 'Unreported World' has won awards and quite rightly too. Recently they have put the spotlight on Yemen where the sight of children dying of malnutrition will make you weep. The war in Yemen is between Sunni and Shia, yet again, with Saudi Arabia backing one and Iran the other, again. There's no moral high ground for Britain or America though, again.

Ninety percent of Yemen's food is imported and more than seventy percent of that comes in though one port. that port is blockaded by Saudi Arabia AND they've taken out the cranes that unload the ships using British and/or American missiles. Now the flour that does arrive is rotten before it can be used and civilians and children are dying, again.

How do our bloody politicians sleep at night? Do what's right, not what's expedient, stop the bloody arms sales, especially to Saudi and start being part of the solution not part of the problem.

Malcolm Snook author and believer in peace.

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